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Author Guidelines


Article submitted to EJHSS should not have been published before in its current form or submitted for consideration for publication in another journal. The copyright of any article accepted for publication in EJHSS belongs to the author. The author is under obligation to cite EJHSS as the first publisher of the article. Authors submitting articles for publication in the journal agreed that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher/Editor and Journal Management against breach of such warranty. It is the duty of the corresponding author to get the permission of every other contributor(s) to the paper before submission to EJHSS. Article found to have infringed on any of the afore-mentioned, will be removed from the website.


Editorial objectives of EDE: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

EJHSS is an Open Accessed Peer Reviewed Journal. The objectives are to publish papers of broad interest in the humanities and the social sciences.


Editorial policy

(a) Every submitted paper that the editors deem acceptable as to topic, style, length and general quality will be sent to at least two reviewers for double blind review.


(b) The reviewers will comment on the papers’ eligibility for publication in EDE: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, taking into account its originality as well as the quality of research, argument, use of sources and writing style. Each reviewer will be granted not more than one month for this process.


(d) The Reviewers’ Evaluation Form will be enclosed with each manuscript for the reviewer’s guidance. The reviewer will classify the paper in one of four categories:

I. Acceptance in its current state;

II. Acceptance with specified changes;

III. Rejection with the possibility of revision and resubmission for another issue; and

IV. Outright rejection.


(e) After receiving the reviewers’ reports, the Editor-in-Chief will verify manuscripts for publication in EDE: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. The paper and the reports will be sent back to the author(s) in order to explain the acceptance or rejection of the paper and in demand to guide revision either for the upcoming issue or to help the author rewrite for future submission.


(f) Author(s) of accepted paper should make the required corrections and email their final document to the Editor-in-Chief within the time specified.


(g) The Editor-in-Chief, after verification, compiles all the manuscripts into an Issue with the addition of an appropriate introduction and then sends the Issue to the publisher who must ensure that authors verify and correct the galley proof before the publication of the article.


(h) Publication is normally expected in the first week of January and July of each year.


(i) It is our policy to encourage and support emerging and established authors. However, in order to improve on the quality of publications, manuscripts that are unanimously recommended by the two reviewers for substantive revision or rejection may not be published.

Publication fees

Articles that are published on EDE: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences can be viewed and download free of any charge. Page assessment/ publication fees of not more than $50 may be levied author of article accepted in order to cover the costs of publication and to maintain the website of the Journal.

Manuscript requirements


Length of articles

These should comprise 4000-8000 words, including the list of works cited and notes. Review(s) of 1500 words maximum, short stories and drama of not more than 25 pages will be published.


Papers should be uploaded on the journal’s website following the necessary steps or submitted electronically as e-mail attachments formatted in a recent version of MsWord or Rich Text Format to the Editor. The first page of the article should contain author’s full name, designation, institution of affiliation, personal telephone number and email address, the main article itself should be stripped of all references to the author’s identity. This is in order to assist the blind review process. Graphics should be jpg files of 300 dpi.

Style of articles

EDE: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences uses MLA and APA referencing style. Authors should be consistent in the use of one of the two styles in preparation of their articles. It is important that author(s) of articles must make sure that their papers are already proofread or edited for grammar before submission to the journal. Author should consult MLA or APA referencing style manual for the appropriate use of the style in their article.

An abstract of the paper comprising a single paragraph of no more than 250 words must be submitted. The abstract must appear before the introduction part of the body of the article. Footnotes should be limited to the barest minimum if it is highly necessary. Instead of footnotes, we encourage the use of parenthesis in the main text for the needed explanation. Textual references should be used in preference to notes wherever possible. All textual references should include page numbers, unless the original text does not display page numbers. A reference should accompany almost any mention of a text, not only direct quotations from it. Textual references normally include the author’s surname, the date of publication and the relevant page numbers.


Copyright Notice

Article submitted to EJHSS should not have been published before in its current form or submitted for consideration for publication in another journal. The copyright of any article accepted for publication in EJHSS belongs to the author. The author is under obligation to cite EJHSS as the first publisher of the article. Authors submitting articles for publication in the journal agreed that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher/Editor and Journal Management against breach of such warranty. It is the duty of the corresponding author to get the permission of every other contributor(s) to the paper before submission to EJHSS. Article found to have infringed on any of the afore-mentioned, will be removed from the website.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.