
Julius-Adeoye ‘Rantimi Jays


The role of senior editorship of a new journal is daunting in many ways. It is unnerving not just in relation to piloting the journal but also moving it through a notable direction that will guarantee the publications’ sustenance. It is important to work hard along with the Board to make the journal essential in academic inquiries as well as make it one, required by serious researchers at the cutting edge of research breakthrough. The responsibility of editing the inaugural issue of a journal which parades highly cerebral and professional individuals on the Editorial Board is for me one great honour. It is demoralizing when you have to make the unenviable decision concerning the rejection of some good articles because the articles cannot be accommodated in the particular Issue they are submitted to, and some for lack of meeting the criteria. Of course it is not problematic to reject a badly written or poorly prepared articles. Having to introduce the journal that covers global discussion on humanistic and social issues, affords me the great opportunity of reading through many well- researched and finely written essays by serious scholars from diverse academic backgrounds. Nevertheless, all the articles received for this issue, are from the humanities – history, philosophy, theatre studies, literature and religious studies. Since the editorial team decided to keep the number of articles per issue of the journal at a minimal level for a start, therefore, we have to drop many papers, although, I have waitlisted some of them for future Issues. The articles published in this inaugural edition of EDE: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences critically address issues that are in the forefront of discussion in the writers’ societies. This maiden Issue of the journal edited by the Board is unthemed, however, we find collection of articles in the area of performance studies.

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